The Looker has had a request to help find this missing cat, it is always very distressing when you lose a loved pet, we hope our readers can reunite Sooty with her owners….
I wonder if you could help me and put an advertisement in your Looker about my cat who is missing.20170619_233459 (1)
She is a little tabby cat named Sooty who is a our 3 or 4 years old. She went missing in Eastbridge Road on Wednesday. She is very, very nervous and I think she will probably be hiding somewhere. I’d be so grateful if anyone around Dymchurch could check in their sheds or garages or under bushes, etc to see if she is hiding there.

We are absolutely heartbroken. We had only just got her as her owner had passed away. We’d kept her inside but now cannot find her anywhere and so we wonder if she may have got our somehow. She may be microchipped to an address in Wales as we had not had a chance to change it over.

If anyone has any information please call Kathy on 07863 335 784.