At the meeting of Lydd Town Council Planning Committee held on Monday 6th July it was unanimously agreed to form a Highways Forum to look into the issues that the residents of Robin Hood Lane report they are experiencing with Lorries using the road outside their homes.
Councillor Clive Goddard, Chairman of the Planning and Environment Committee said “I am keen to find the most effective way forward and believe that by setting up this Forum, Lydd Town Council will be able to facilitate the opportunity for a proper dialogue to take place between the residents and representatives from the Police, Kent County Council and other relevant agencies, so that the problems can be aired and we can work towards finding some solutions to alleviate the current disruptions”.
It was agreed that the Highways Forum will comprise of Councillors Clive Goddard, Martin Sweeney and Fred Wood-Brignall along with 2 representatives of Robin Hood Lane, Alastair Paterson and Mike Wilkinson who will bring the resident’s concerns to the table and feed back to their neighbours after the meetings.
The first meeting will be held to identify the specific issues so that the way forward can be mapped out. Following that, representatives of the key stakeholders will be invited to attend relevant meetings so that the forum is able to target the specific issues in a productive way.
Whilst the Forum can be widened at a later date to address other Highways issues that may arise in the Parish of Lydd the focus and priority for now will be Robin Hood Lane.